EW Add-ins

EW Add-Ins and Snippets

This mini-site hosts a collection of freely downloadable Add-Ins and Snippets for Expression Web, Microsoft's long-abandoned web editor, which, despite it's age, is still a very capable product.

Add-Ins, as the name implies, add extra commands and functions into EW and these will be added to either the toolbars or appropriate menus.

See the Add-Ins page and the instructions for installing them.


Snippets can be equally useful and although you can easily add your own, the collections here are some I find particularly useful.

See the Snippets page which includes instructions for installing them.


The Add-Ins and Snippets can both make using EW more productive so it's well worth taking advantage of them.


Creating Add-Ins

Creating and developing Add-Ins requires a knowledge of JavaScript and HTML. The resources for guidance are limited, listed on the Add-Ins page.